Tuesday, March 15, 2016

SQL Server Configuration Manager Missing After Windows Server 2012 Upgraded to 2012 R2

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I had this issue after I upgraded the operating system from Windows Server 2012 to 2012 R2. The SQL Server 2012 on the same server worked fine until I needed to access to SQL Server Configuration Manager for troubleshooting on some issue related to using SCCM 2012. That was when I realized SQL Server Configuration Manager was now missing.

The solution for the issue is as below:
1. On a SQL server running the same version of SQL Server (2012 SP1) and installation features, I opened the folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft SQL Server 2012; (please take note that this is hidden folder)

2. Copied the folder Configuration Tools to the same folder on the SQL Server with the missing link to SQL Server Configuration Manager.

Reference: http://thoughtsonopsmgr.blogspot.my/2014/01/quick-trick-where-is-sql-server.html

KVM Switch

Keyboard, Video, Mouse. Abbreviated to KVM.

Since last three weeks ago, when i went into the server room at my co., i thought i saw a magical monitor (but it was actually a KVM, not monitor) that could switch displays of different computers in one key press. And i was like, 'Uh what is this? How can it work this smart. Waah kagum.' :D I was curious on how it actually works since, but did not get a chance to ask and know what it exactly was.

However, yesterday, surprisingly i got the opportunity to see, touch and actually play with KVM switch when my boss told me to try setting up the device to connect few servers in our unit room. So basically KVM switch is used to control multiple computers/servers from one or more, keyboard, monitor and mouse. :) On the switch, you have the buttons to change the display of the computers you desire. So you no longer have to connect and reconnect different servers to a monitor, keyboard and mouse each time you want to use them.

Nice. :D

P/s: Drafted in 2011 and posted only today :)

Disk (E:) Missing in Virtual Machine

I encountered an issue with my VM today where when I wanted to open an application console (Configurations Manager Console), the icon and everything were missing. I even tried to basically double-click on the menu with the missing icon, but nothing happened. So i checked the partition and found out that there was only system disk available which is (C:). And i know that all the application files and configurations are all in separate disk.

I looked at the VM setting in the Hyper-V Manager and things just looked good. So i continued checking on the Disk Management and saw that the (E:) disk was offline. What i did was then right-clicked, and select Online and afterward rebooted the VM.

When the VM was up again, now i could find all the disks that are supposed to be there and the Configurations Manager application is running fine.

To wrap it up, one of the things to be done when you encounter this kind of issue, try to look into Computer Management -> Disk Management and check if all the disks are online or offline.

That's all.
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